Researching Japan?

by EunJoo Lee, Head of Access Services.

Are you writing a paper on Japanese culture, history, or religion, or on the economic impact of the country’s disasters of 2011? In addition to Wesleyan’s collections, the Interlibrary Loan Department has access to materials especially for students and faculty concentrating on Japanese studies and language resources.  The library has joined the Global ILL Framework (GIF) Project, a reciprocal agreement between North American and Japanese academic libraries and research institutes to provide North American researchers with access to Japanese materials not available in the U.S.

In the past, we have had some difficulties accessing Japanese materials requested by faculty and students.  By joining the GIF Project we increase access to research materials in the collections of Japanese institutions including CiNii Books, the National Diet Library, Kyoto University, Digital Library from Meiji Era, Japanese Institutional Repositories, and Keio University and more than 160 academic libraries in Japan.  This partnership significantly enhances our ability to support research and assignments in the area of Japanese studies.

For questions about submitting Interlibrary Loan requests, please feel free to call x3876 (ILL office) or send e-mail to


CiNii Books – 大学図書館の本をさがす(Database among Japanese academic institutions.)

CiNii Articles – 日本の論文をさがす

国会図書館 = National Diet Library OPAC

JAIRO: 学術機関レポジトリポータル = Japanese Institutional Depositories Online

近代デジタルライブラリー = Digital Library from the Meiji Era